What better way to start our reviews than with the first product we ever purchased from Adventure Awaits and the one we use the most which is our absolute favourite product (well so far anyway😜 )!

When you have a child who is allergic to mosquitos you go to any length to find something that works, but add in the complication that she also gets eczema, then the real struggle begins.
There are so many products to choose from out there and finding one that the kids liked the feel of it, they didn't complain of the smell, their skin didn't break into a rash and of course actually keeps the mosquitos away proved to be harder than we thought. I've actually lost count of how many we tried.

We tried the standard ones, the cheap ones, the expensive ones, the eco ones, the spray ons, the rub ons, the clothes spray ones.........you name it, fair chance we tried it. They either didn't work overly well, smelt or were sticky and mostly irritated the kids skin.
Eventually (and finally) we came across the Good Riddance Insect Repellent Sensitive and with fingers crossed we hoped we would actually find a product that would fit all our needs, so we ordered some. With a trip to the river looming we were hoping with every ounce of our beings that this was going to work.
The test came on the first day arriving at the river. Miss C was worried as soon as she spotted one and asked to try out her new cream. Obviously we smothered her from head to toe in it, and conveniently you don't actually need much to do that (a small amount goes a long way). It smelt beautiful and felt like moisturiser so already it was a win. Now was it going to work and was her skin going to play up?
We tried our best to get the other two to put it on as well but they refused, and bad parenting here so don't judge, but we thought "oh well, this will be a proper trial then to see if they get bitten and Miss C doesn't"!🤣🤷♀️
Halfway through the evening Master J comes over to see us complaining "I'm itchy", sure enough he's been bitten. Here we go I thought, how long until Miss C is covered but so far so good. Again, don't judge, but we decided not to bath them that night and just put them to bed and normally we have to wash off any insect repellents on the kids before bed or their skin will suffer in the morning, but we forgot to wash it off Miss C.
Morning comes and Master J and now Miss A have a few mozzie bites each and are whinging about being itchy (review on how to help that later), but amazingly Miss C has none. OMG.....WINNER....but how is her skin? Yes........🙌 no rash or signs of eczema, but lets see how she goes over a few days wearing it.
Three days in a row, wearing it morning and night, several applications and no sign of any eczema. We have used it several times now and what can I say but YAY!!!!! We finally found one that fits the bill, it smells nice, it feels good, it doesn't irritate the skin and best of all, it keeps the mosquitos (and midgies) away. Oh and added bonus, its DEET FREE and AUSTRALIAN OWNED.
The most exciting part though is now all the kids will use it without complaint!!😁😍
Click HERE to order yours or find out more information and check out their other products.